The Sciware podcast is a science program that delivers science in Arabic. It is produced and presented by Dr. Mohamed Qasem. The range of topics include Astronomy, Math, Biology, the Brain, Computers, social psychological topics. In addition to the material prepared by Mohamed Qasem, there are many interviews with prominent scientific figures. Listen to the Sciware podcast while you are stuck in traffic, in the gym or anywhere else. It's a great companion. Hundreds of thousands listen to the Sciware podcast.
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Season 1
The Cosmos
Imagine the universe. The mind creates an instant, outstanding visualization of planet, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies and multiple universes. This was made possible through the cumulative knowledge gained over 400 years. However, this is not how humans saw the universe throughout history. It was much smaller, with fewer stars in a single galaxy, within a universe, one universe. This program will take us on journey through the minds of the scientists who pealed the layers of the universe, and expanded our understanding and imagination of the world.
Season 2
Quantum Mechanics
Understanding the large world is not possible without understanding its smallest constituents. Atoms, electrons, protons and neutrons and other particles stich together the fabric of the universe. We move through the history of understanding of these microscopic building block, venturing with scientists who discovered them. The secrets they uncover will be unsettling, and hard to accept. We will have to do away with everyday logic to gain understanding of the ultimate truth of this world.

Public Speaking
Dr. Mohamed Qasem delivers influential and thought provoking talks all around the world. His unique style, and selection of imagery grabs the attention of his audience. Although he presents general scientific topics, his main area of interest is in Artificial Intelligence. He inspires people, brings them closer to science, and motivates them to learn more.